古着德軍公發 D 型多用途扣環 鑰匙圈

Vintage Germany Military Multiple D-Ring Key Chain


早期德國陸軍公發,德軍 D 型扣環原設計作為背包固定環使用。材質為鋼鐵製造,使其擁有極為強悍的耐用性。除可做為多用途的扣具及掛勾使用外,更能輕鬆成為日常外出搭配之配件使用。金屬製品因長年倉儲存放等因素,扣環可能會留有些許刮痕或氧化等痕跡,但不影響正常使用。


Vintage German military surplus multiple use D-Ring. Was used to design for secure the bag or luggage. The material is made of heavy duty steel, so very sturdy enough for lots of applications. And also a great key chain for daily use. May have some marks due to the storage. But not affect working. 


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